Monday, June 26, 2006 10:59 PM
the good ting abt today is
WE COMPLETED THE FMGT PRESENTATION. as in the flimming laaa. =)))))) was FUN too.
sorta settled wad to do wif the i&e (wait for mw to confirm the prize), if not we are doing movie marathon. haha. at least we got a BIT done. better than being stagnant. =))
squash tml!!! YAY
Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:28 PM
2406 * sat: went out to have a heavy bf of noodles and roti prata at bukit batok b4 coming home change and go sch meet jasmine n Clifton at 1. I reach there they say they not gg sgcc liao, gg town. I was like wah lao, if ur really do tt I go home la. but in the end nv la. louis n fee arrived at 0130 liddat and we set off at abt 2 for clementi. Reach there and took the bloody 147 at 0140. and we took like 1 hour plus of journey that went round half of Singapore? And on the way, the phrase of the day develop by mr koh wei liang: spca n ba kua are HALAL. WHAHAHA.
Wah piang, reach serangoon there at abt 0345, and reached agcc at 4 I tink. in time for clifton’s match and jasmine’s delayed match. Jasmine was like serving out la. wake up la!! hahahha. Thinking baq we were quite noisy outside ah. Hahah. But clifton’s match a lot of other ppl came and watch oso, cos his opponent was some not-worth-a-handicap-of-9 guy la. he played quite well la. could’ve won the first match if he wasn’t so kanjong, 15-11. he came out, ask him y nv drop any balls? He say too kanjong la!! lols. lost second match by a lil more. After tt Clifton n jasmine went and take their long awaited tropical bathe. -.- they still ask me bring my towel n all and go there bathe. LOL. It was TT shiok. and jasmine was taking a damn long time la, and her hair was BLOWN DRY when she came out. Pengs. Hahha.
Left sgcc, was all hungry ghosts by then!! Decided to go town for dinner. Wanted to eat smth damn full, tot of marina steamboat and kite flying b4 tt!! hahahha. In the end, ended up at taka’s seoul gdn. Dinner was quite funny, battle-shit. Wah pengs. Hahah. Ate till nth to eat and was damn ex la, $24.90 per person half of the 50 I drew tis morning gone!! roar. after dinner.. LOL. Video taking time (see jasmine’s blog for the youtube link) hahah. Took 171 at 10, changed to 67 somewhere along bukit timah road, lol. Reaction when we boarded damn funny, cos the bus came frm lil India. And boy, louis was right!! hahah. Reached home almost 11 le. Tired.
`spot the moment when louis open the door and laugh n straighten up after tt!! WHAHAHA. freakking funny. wished i didnt laugh so much. and fion noticed tt the waitress behind was looking at us!!! WHAHAHHAHA
Friday, June 23, 2006 9:12 PM
veri long nv blog le horrr.
but todays my BROTHER'S birthday. so here i am. (zhou, pls be honoured.LOL)
happy bday ZMW!!!!! =))paiseh didnt wish u on 0000. cos was stress-ing over the projs ma. hehehe.anw. today finally went baq and squash. but quite sian la, cos i keep hitting shit balls. roar. and i can even kill clifton when he wan me to. wad sais. but was sweating like a pig when playing wif him laa.and our army boy came baq. lol. look so round wif his botak head. and DUNNO WHO say dowan to come baq see us when botak one loh... who else but yao wei zhong. lol. went off at abt 7 plus, after chatting wif jasmine in the court. haha. resting and fan blowing. tired. should i go sgcc wif jasmine they all tml..? hmmm
Friday, June 16, 2006 9:56 PM
freakking tired.
watched england VS trinidad last nite. first time watch the whole match thru sias. but first half was boring, alot of near misses for crouch and lampard. during break cooked noodles. =D and second half crouch scored!! too bad no robo dance for us, unless england win the world cup. wich is like... erm. and gerrad's goal was NICEEE!!! BWG. silent killer.
went to slp after tt, was discussing wif tt zhou for tmls shopping trip. in the end tt pig got his 12 hours of sleep while i got mine squashing. damn tired. reached sch at abt 2 plus. play till dunno wad time i feel damn dead. till now.
i got so many presents to get and i only hav $9 in my acc. nice one man.
im seriously feeling damn dead. wonder issit only physically or emotionally n physically. and im beginning not to understnad the person in the mirror. or mayb i nv did understand her. someone/something pls distract me.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:04 PM
friday 0906:some pics. some tsehwee load le then i didnt le. lazyy la.

`liang ge zhang bu da de xiao nu hai. hahaha

`sign outside arcade.. so..

`tsehwee finished her fries b4 gg in. haha.

`fion hold the gun till so wu seh, beng no seh one. HAHAH.

`beng lost!! hah.

`look familiar?

`zz isnt THAT mad afterall..

`zz getting comfortable.

`wei shu aka mnh singing jolin's wu niang i tink. HA

`imitating wei lian.. who else.

`GAY, tis is only the first..

`zz running away frm a fight wif beng. LOL

`theres smth diff abt wf singing..

`there.. see.. hehe. =X

`abit sehh..

`wf n me. wads tt face for sias. hahha.

`acting ...




`another gay pic..

`everyone but me n fion. i was taking the pic n she went off le. haha

`cool man, mnh!!! LOL

`he was dancing some jolin song la. hah.

`singer of the dayy..

`LOL. get the picture??

`mnh 'slpinggg'

`BWG man!!

`flimming of brokeback mountain!!! HAHAH, should see the video man!

`mnh n me. lol

`bel n work ( n chatting wif me too!! HEHE)

`bel n HL at work!! =))
Saturday, June 10, 2006 11:01 PM
ok.. i better blog b4 i go off. haha. ystd was crazy mad
start from the top:
morning. roar. I MISSED OUT ON A 18 MARKS QN LA. TIS TEACHES US NOT TO GO FOR AN EXAM WIF ONLY 5 HOURS OF SLEEP FOR THE PAST TWO DAYS. ROARRRRRRRRRR. cried la. lol. they were saying im mad cos i cry one min nxt min laughing. but like quite a number of ppl oso liddat lehs.. hais. roar man. damn roar. realli feel like slapping myself. realli tired till like camp and chalet liddat de seh le. roar.
anw, after tt went k wif beng, th, fion, zz, kq, wf, wei shu and jeremy. wah damn tired la. we go in like suddenly dunno wad song to choose and all. and THEY ARE SOOOOO GAYYYY!!!! cant stand man. and realli la.. i tink zz is the more normal one among them le HAHAHAHA.
went off at 7 wif th, then went to shi lin look for bel and hl. talked for one hour loh. LOL. left at 8 cos wana watch 9pm show last epi. HAHAHA.
OHHH. and tml im gg off to malacca le. till tue.. hope will be fun ba. but it will DEFINITELY beat staying at home. nowadays realli cant stay at home too long. anw, decided to go only on tue and booked the hotel on tue. and tis time .. should i say cool. the hotel not the usual hotels we stay sias. =X u see!

`see!! it better be good man. =X
ps: ystd's kbox pics.. wait long long ah. will load one. HAHAH. 50 pics lehs.. wah laooo.and plus the nxt few days one. oh man.. i got loads of uploading to do man. haha
Saturday, June 03, 2006 10:33 PM
hrm was .. not worth studying so much loh. roar. realli only 4 pathetic qns wif no parts. mw will have the last laugh. HAHA.
anw, left early, saw th raise hand i oso. was waiting for her. heh. so reached home like 3 plus. ate, then on air con and wanted to try and study. but wasnt feeling too well. in exam hall already feel like a fever's coming up. =X so in the end slept frm like 0445 to 0530? i cant take long naps one. =P
and the 4 of us WENT OUT FOR DINNER!! the first since mar 4 06. =Xx went baystreet. and was told tml is their last day till nxt yr. we're lucky man. still rmber the times when we went there wif flo and family like almost fortnightly? hais, now? hardly meet. even if we did, hardly talk. dunno y.
and now im watch england vs jamaica. thrashing game. hehe. so.. i dun tink im gonna study tonite. dun feel well lehs. and OH.
i found my baby 123 on ystd!!! =)) oh th blog abt it le -_- . anw, ya shes smart la. HA. but. ya, dowan to tink so much. DR ZHOU advice. HAHA.
tts all folks.

`lol, su zhi wei ah.. so bad.

`one last look: baystreet.